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Saturday, January 28, 2012

Showing Opportunities for each Contact (parent - child) through Map without using Wrapper Class

We can show map from controller on the visualforce page, We also can put one map inside another map or in other words nested map.

With the help of these two factors, I successfully showed the contact and corresponding opportunities without using the wrapper classes. Though it put some restriction however for
the purpose of showing all the opportunities corresponding to each Contact (or any parent - child relationship) it works fine.

The process is simple -
 -I created a map of Contact as key and another map of Opportunity with id as value say A.
 -I used a query which brings all the opportunities for Contacts.
 -Now in a loop get the list of opportunities for each Contact.
 -After checking if there are Opportunities put those Opportunities in a map with id say B.
 -And lastly the Contact and the map B was put into map A.

Visualforce Page :-

 <apex:page controller="MapClass" action="{!getValues}">
<apex:pageblock >
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!checkMap}" var="con">
    <apex:column value="{!con.Name}"/>
    <apex:column headerValue="Opportunities">
        <apex:dataList value="{!checkMap[con]}" var="opp">
        <apex:outputField value="{!checkMap[con][opp].Name}"/>
    <apex:column value="{!con.Account.Name}"/>
    <apex:column value="{!con.createddate}"/>

Apex Class :-

public class MapClass{
  public transient Map<Contact,Map<id,Opportunity>> checkMap{get; set;}
  public void getValues(){
  checkMap  = new Map<Contact,Map<id,Opportunity>>();
  for(Contact s : Database.query('select id, name, Account.name, owner.Name,    createddate, (select id, name from Opportunities) from Contact')){
      List<Opportunity> opLi = s.getSobjects('Opportunities');
      map<id,Opportunity> opMap = new map<id,Opportunity>();
      if(opLi != null){
      for(Opportunity op: opLi){

 Last but not the least you can stretch this concept to look what else can be done. feel free to add on it.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

To get a list in different format as HTML / excel / pdf / word in Salesforce

More often than not we need to have an option where we can get a list in an excel or HTML or pdf format....specially for sending it in e-mails.

These formats are standards and presentable hence much desired most often than not.

I did an example where I can show a list of Contacts, Owner name and corresponding Accounts Name with the option to retrieve/download it in excel/HTML/pdf/word format (I tried for picture format also but it didn't work)

Things to notice are

- The file is downloaded with the current date in the name for the ease of distinguishing.

- In the controller the transient variable is being used so that it can show maximum number of records without the view-state error.

- The table is given different background colors for differentiation between rows but each format reads it differently so there is a variation.

Also this is just a raw presentation and a starter.....much can be improved upon this and different functionality or options can be added/modified into it.....

Click here for a demo of this.

The page (visualforce) code -