More often than not we need to have an option where we can get a list in an excel or HTML or pdf format....specially for sending it in e-mails.
These formats are standards and presentable hence much desired most often than not.
I did an example where I can show a list of Contacts, Owner name and corresponding Accounts Name with the option to retrieve/download it in excel/HTML/pdf/word format (I tried for picture format also but it didn't work)
Things to notice are
- The file is downloaded with the current date in the name for the ease of distinguishing.
- In the controller the transient variable is being used so that it can show maximum number of records without the view-state error.
- The table is given different background colors for differentiation between rows but each format reads it differently so there is a variation.
Also this is just a raw presentation and a starter.....much can be improved upon this and different functionality or options can be added/modified into it.....
Click here for a demo of this.
The page (visualforce) code -
The Controller (Apex) Code -
These formats are standards and presentable hence much desired most often than not.
I did an example where I can show a list of Contacts, Owner name and corresponding Accounts Name with the option to retrieve/download it in excel/HTML/pdf/word format (I tried for picture format also but it didn't work)
Things to notice are
- The file is downloaded with the current date in the name for the ease of distinguishing.
- In the controller the transient variable is being used so that it can show maximum number of records without the view-state error.
- The table is given different background colors for differentiation between rows but each format reads it differently so there is a variation.
Also this is just a raw presentation and a starter.....much can be improved upon this and different functionality or options can be added/modified into it.....
Click here for a demo of this.
The page (visualforce) code -
<apex:page controller="ContactListController"
renderAs="{!IF($CurrentPage.parameters.format == 'pdf','pdf','')}"
showHeader="false" sidebar="false">
.oddclass {
background: lightskyblue;
.evenclass {
background: white;
<apex:pageBlock title="Contact Table" tabStyle="Contact">
<apex:pageBlockButtons dir="RTL"
rendered="{!$CurrentPage.parameters.format == null}">
<apex:commandLink action="{!pageOut}" value="Excel Output"
target="_blank" style="margin:5px;">
<apex:param name="format" value="excel" />
<apex:commandLink action="{!pageOut}" value="HTML Output"
target="_blank" style="margin:5px;">
<apex:param name="format" value="html" />
<apex:commandLink action="{!pageOut}" value="PDF Output"
target="_blank" style="margin:5px;">
<apex:param name="format" value="pdf" />
<apex:commandLink action="{!pageOut}" value="Image Output"
target="_blank" style="margin:5px;">
<apex:param name="format" value="image" />
<apex:commandLink action="{!pageOut}" value="Word Output"
target="_blank" style="margin:5px;">
<apex:param name="format" value="powerpoint" />
<apex:pageblockTable value="{!ContactList}" var="cont"
rowClasses="oddclass,evenclass" border="1" cellpadding="2"
cellspacing="1" style="background:mediumspringgreen;">
<apex:column value="{!cont.Name}" />
<apex:column value="{!cont.Owner.Name}" headerValue="Owner Name" />
<apex:column value="{!cont.Account.Name}" />
The Controller (Apex) Code -
Public Class ContactListController{
transient Public List ContactList;
public pagereference pageOut(){
String format = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('format');
pagereference pageRef = ApexPages.currentPage();
pageRef.setRedirect( false );
return pageRef;
public List getContactList(){
ContactList = [select id, name,, Account.Name from Contact];
if(ContactList.size() != 0)
return ContactList;
return null;
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