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Useful Links

[This page is dedicated to provide useful links specially the ones which are really useful in learning and understanding the topics.]

Client Side  :-

For learning Client side Language I think there is no better way to proceed than w3schools. w3schools website is precise, easy to learn and easier to understand the topics. It provides a composite structure for you to learn however the catch is to practice whatever you learn. Icing on the cake is their "Try it yourself" features which let you handle the examples.

Hence even if you don't have a technical know-how, you are remotely related to programming languages and you want to learn it for fun. You must try w3schools, you would be amused to know what all can be done, that too very easily just on browser.

We will start with the basic-

HTML - HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is the very basic of web world. In simple word whatever you see on a website are mostly arranged with the help of HTML. It's simple and efficient. I personally feel if you are surfing websites you must know a little about HTML. If you get along with HTML, you can see the new HTML5 which is just an enhanced but largely effective version of HTML.

CSS - CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) is a tool through which you can add styling to your simple HTML page. CSS is very powerful yet quite simple to learn. As soon as you try to work on it you would feel like wonders can be done through CSS. It enhances the look and feel a great deal. The new CSS3 is yet more powerful.

JavaScript - HTML is a markup language and CSS is styling technique but sometime we need to have a programming language on the client side so that we get the more manipulative power in our hands to add features on client side. JavaScript fills that gap and is "the" pillar of client-side programming. Javascript test a person's programming capability. But again the good thing is that it does not need any installations as such. All it need is a browser.

jQuery - This is a (not so) new revelation in client side programming. Technically it's nothing but JavaScript albeit better. jQuery is a javascript library which makes our work hell lot easy. Unlike JavaScript it's easy and fast to implement. A thing done by JavaScript in 3 hour can be done in say 20 minutes through jQuery. It also is better than javaScript in terms of inter-browser compatibility.
    However since it's a library you must tell the browser to link to it, You have to link your browser to the location on the jQuery javascript file that means you should have that file in your system. But good news is thateven that is not really needed as Google hosts the jQuery js file for you. You just have to provide the link to the google resource in the header of your page

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
inside your <head> </head> tag and you are done.

These represent the core of the Client Side programming. If you have command over HTML, CSS and javascript/jQuery you are too good to say the least.

In addition to these there are still more things to learn like XHTML, XML etc.

Server Side :-

With this we will move toward the Server Side Programming. Server side scripting is more costly and needs more configuration which could well be frustrating and they usually are. Configuring a server, configuring a framework etc. To overcome that we have documentation and well more importantly Google.

However even with these constraint there I personally find server side programming a lot more satisfying and efficient. Server side programming languages(J2EE, PHP etc.) are faster in terms of execution. The primary reasons for server side programming languages are :-
  • To handle the requests from the Client Side.
  • To create dynamic pages which might be unique for each user and pass it as response.
  • To interact with database i.e. storage, retrieval and deletion of data according to logic
  • To provide the security for your business logic (js codes are open to everybody.
These are the main reasons, In addition to these there might be multiple more causes (which I can't recall now).

So one of the most widely used Server side scripting language is J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition).
 J2EE is strong, composite, modularized and secured technology which answers most of the web requirements. With time it has gone to some major changes/enhancement but at heart it respect all the ideas of Core Java which in turn respect the OOP Structure. Most of the large scale projects has been traditionally been prepared with the help of J2EE and other extensions which supports it. With time it has got more lethal combinations in term of Struts and Spring Framework.

Though new Age server side programming are done with the latest technology, a starter must learn the very basics and initial concepts on which J2EE works. That includes Servlet, JSP, containers, JDBC etc.

Once that is done we can move on to Struts, Spring Framework, Hibernate etc. which are more of conceptual and technological enhancements and are relatively new.
 J2EE Book.


Other more widely used server side scripting language is PHP (Hypertext Pre-Processor). When we compare PHP with J2EE, we find it a lot easier to understand as well as work on. It is open, easy, flexible, reliable and strong scripting language on the other hand J2EE is more composite and secured.

Maybe that's the reason why most of the middle to small level project are prepared on PHP and relatively more sophisticated large scale and high end projects are prepared with Java and supportive technologies.

For learning PHP again w3schools is the best place for beginners. However for reference and documentation you have this site available. 

More to add/edit..........

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